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General information for our group skating lessons

All group courses have been developed by Skate Canada, the national body for the promotion of the activities of figure skating in Canada. Programs are offered to children ages 3.5 to 12 yo. For each stage passed, the participant recieve a badge as a reward. Places are limited in each program. For all group programs, a parent or a responsible adult must remain on the bleachers to encourage participants and in case of emergency or necessity. Walkers are not used during Skate Canada programs.  

Skate Canada membership Fee

The Skate Canada membership Fee is $62.00. It covers the entire 2024-2025 season (September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025). Please note that this fee becomes non-refundable two weeks after you have completed the registration.

Late registrations are accepted only if spaces are available. If you register after the start of classes there is a $15.00 late fee.

Any changes to your registration require a $15.00 administrative fee.

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Required Equipment

1.  CSA Approved Helmet (see guidelines below)
2.  Proper fitting Figure or Hockey Skates.  NO Plastic or Adjustable Skates (see guidelines below)
3.  Proper clothing - layers are best.  We do not recommend snow suits.  Consider Long Johns with Jogging Pants and a light waterproof pants over top and a thermal shirt with a long sleeved t-shirt and sweater for the top.  
4.  Gloves or Mittens

Helmet Guidelines

 CSA approved hockey helmets are mandatory for ALL CanSkate and Pre-CanSkate skaters

  • The helmet fit should be snug
  • Hair should not be in a ponytail under the helmet...this interferes with the proper fit
  • Full Face Masks are recommended due to Covid-19! Masks/Cages are highly recommended for 1st time skaters.  They can be removed as the skater becomes more comfortable on the ice and able to control their fall.
  • Both the strap and the helmet should be adjustable
  • Stickers should not be put on the helmet
  • Helmets should have CSA sticker  12 Best Hockey Helmets Reviewed [2022] - BS Hockey
Bike, Ski and other types of helmet are NOT acceptable.      

         Examples of Good Helmets

                   Examples of Bad Helmets

Bauer Lil' Sport Hockey Helmet & Cage Combo, Youth, White & Pink Front_Three_Fourths_Angled_Left Bauer Lil' Sport Hockey Helmet & Cage Combo, Youth, Black Front_Three_Fourths_Angled_Right Supercycle Stripes Crosstrails Kids' Bike Helmet w/Adjustable Straps, Multi-Colour, Ages 5+ Front_Three_Fourths_Angled_Right Raskullz T-Bone Multi-Sport Kids' Bike Helmet w/Adjustable Straps, Green, Ages 5-13 Front_Angled_Left




Skate Guidelines

Wearing the proper skates is very important for your child's success in skating.  Skaters in CanSkate or Pre-CanSkate can wear either hockey style skates or figure skates. We recommend that you purchase skates that have laces and not clips or dials to tighten.  Skates with laces allow for the skate to be better adjusted to fit the child's growing foot.  We also DO NOT recommend that you purchase adjustable skates.  While this may seem like a cost saving option with a young child that is growing rapidly it is really detrimental to their progress.  As you enlarge these type of skates the blade becomes too short for the boot and it causes difficulty for the skater to maintain proper balance and technique.  

                  Examples of Good Skates

                   Examples of Bad Skates



Pre-Canskate & CanSkate: Beginners up to badge 3 (inclusive)


This program aims to teach basic skating for beginner skaters in a pleasant but dynamic environment. CanSkate uses a curriculum and delivery methods tested and proven nationally to ensure that skaters can learn basic skating skills for all disciplines. This program is ideal if your child has never skated, taken skating lessons, or does not skate very well.

  • Must be 3.5 years old by September 30 for the regular season
  • Your child will be assessed if he is in right group
  • Hockey or figure skates are accepted
  • Gloves are mandatory for all skaters
  • CSA approved helmet is mandatory for all skaters
Advanced Canskate: Badges 4 & up
Our Advanced CanSkate program is the continuity of our CanSkate program. A skater who has passed CanSkate Badge 3 can register to our Advanced CanSkate program.
  • Must be 5 years old by December 31 of each regular season
  • CSA approved helmet is mandatory up to badge 5 (inclusive)
  • Gloves are mandatory for all skaters

STAR Group: After badge 6

This program aims to introduce skaters to figure skating in three disciplines: skating skills, ice dance and freestyle.
  • Figure skates are mandatory
  • Uniform and helmet are not mandatory, but appropriate clothing is required

Adult Group: Beginner & Up

This program aims to teach basic skating for beginner and more advanced skaters
  • Must be 18 years old
  • Helmets are mandatory up to badge 5 (inclusive)
  • Appropriate clothing is required




Please select a session for more information





If our group classes are unsuitable for some reason, such as: schedule, age or other, you can opt for private lessons or semi-private lessons. You select a regular ice session with the club and you hire a certified coach. Visit the Private Lessons section for more information.

Learn more about CanSkate and the different skills required in each stage.

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