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Rules for Private Ice Sessions

CSL FSC operates under Skate Canada, Patinage Quebec and the City of Cote Saint-Luc rules and regulations. These rules are established to ensure everyone's safety and alignment with Skate Canada Code of Ethics and the City of CSL Human Rights and Anti-Harassment Policy.

 All club and guest coaches must familiarize themselves and their skaters with the rules before entering private ice sessions.

 All skaters and coaches should always be polite and respectful with all session participants and people supporting the program – coaches, skaters and their parents, club officials and arena staff. Rude behavior and bullying will not be tolerated in the club. Senior skaters and coaches should lead others by example to avoid accidents and ensure a friendly atmosphere in the club.

General Rules

        Safety on ice is the responsibility of all skaters and coaches. They should always be alert of other skaters around them.

        To avoid collisions, all skaters and coaches must keep a safe distance from each other and make eye contact to ensure safe passage. Everyone on ice must be aware that not all skaters and coaches have the same experience and reaction time and be patient with those, who are less advanced.

        Skaters who fall must get up immediately to allow other skaters to practice. If a skater is having difficulty getting up after fall, he/she should indicate it immediately to other skaters and coaches, and request first aid assistance. 

        Skaters and coaches should never stand or stroll around idle; they should always make sure their moving direction is clear to other skates and coaches. Skaters moving against the general flow must be extra careful to avoid collisions.

        Conversations between skaters and professionals should take place along the boards. Skaters should not engage a professional in a conversation while a lesson is being given to another skater.

        No eating, drinking or chewing gum is permitted on the ice by skaters or coaches. All drink bottles and cups should be safely sealed and secure from fall and breakage.

        No ear buds, music players, cell phones, loudspeakers, or similar devices are permitted while on the ice surface.

        Skaters must leave the ice immediately at the end of the session. Skaters may not overlap sessions. No extra ice time is permitted to warm up.

.Combined Multi-Level Skating Session (Freestyle, Dance, Skills)

        Only “legal” Single Freestyle, Skills and Interpretation elements are allowed.

        Free Skating pairs and Synchro team practices are not permitted at any time.

        Dance pairs are restricted to practice test pattern dances without lifts or drags. Please refer to the latest Skate Canada guidance for dance spins during open sessions

        Semi-private lessons may have no more than three (3) skaters from STAR 1 level and below and no more than two (2) skaters for higher levels

        In crowded open sessions spins and jump walk-throughs should be performed as much as possible in the center (within the blue lines) allowing jumpers practice at the ends of the ice. There must be at minimum one end available for power jumpers. Jumps with speed should not be practiced in the center of the ice in the open sessions.

        When solo or dance music is being played, skaters and coaches should avoid skating into the pattern of as much as possible.

        Skaters practicing solos, dances and test skills should keep in mind that not all skaters are familiar with their music and patterns and be ready to adjust.

        It is all coaches and skaters’ responsibility is to alert everyone of a potential collision during solo/dance practices by all means available (loud voice, gestures, etc. )

        Solo or pair dance music will only be played once per session, unless time permits it to be played again. All first requests by skaters for music have priority over any second requests. 


        Skater registration and accounts must be owned by family members only. Information must reflect those of the family or skaters involved. Coaches and board members can assist but may not manage the club members’ accounts on the website.

        CSL first-club skaters and residents are allowed priority time for all seasonal registrations. Outside this time all registrations and waiting lists are managed on a first-in first-served basis.

        There is no exchange of sessions between registered skaters, siblings or substitutions by your coach without approval of the board executives. All administration changes may incur extra fees (example - session changes, program changes, etc.) 

        Lessons on private sessions may be given by any certified Skate Canada coach in good standing pre-approved by the CSL - Figure Skating Club board of directors.

        All skating sessions have a maximum number of skaters allowed by Skate Canada and Patinage Quebec to ensure safety on ice. Extra ice time sessions are allowed for all registered Skate Canada skaters if a session is not full.

        Attendance must be taken for each session and extra ice buy-ones are allowed up to a maximum capacity of the session. Priority will be given to skaters on waiting lists (according to their number).

        Skaters should be at the arena ten minutes prior to the start of the session and ready on time. Skaters who fail to inform their coaches of the late arrival, will be marked as absent and their spot will be offered as a buy-on.

        Buy-on sessions must pay the hourly rate for a minimum of one session. Payments are for a session and not for the length of time on the ice. Buy-on tickets will be offered to avoid cash transactions.

 Visiting Coaches

        Guest skating available upon request. Please contact the pro-rep 24 hours prior to the requested ice time by email. The email must include all necessary ice time information with proof of Skate Canada membership and copy to the club email

        Visiting coaches from other clubs who are planning to coach during ice time of CSLFSC may apply for permission to the club via email: Please mention the sessions you plan to come to and include proof of certification. All requested contracts must be signed by the club’s head coach.  

 Dispute Resolution

        Skate Canada strongly encourages that the individuals involved make every effort to resolve the dispute amongst themselves. If the dispute is resolved among the parties, then no escalation is required.

        CSL - Figure Skating Club is a very small club operating without official monitors on ice. All parents and skaters should discuss their concerns with the coaches and attempt to resolve a conflict prior to submitting a complaint to the board. All complaints to the board should be sent to and contain facts about the incident (date, time, parties involved, and action taken by coaches to resolve the dispute).

        All complaints to the board will be processed under Skate Canada dispute resolution guidance. 


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